General Ibiza Tourist Information

General Ibiza Tourist Information

Medieval Festival Ibiza
Attractions, General Ibiza Tourist Information, Things to do
Medieval Festival Ibiza

March 18, 2022

Each May, the cobbled streets beneath the ancient walls of Dalt Vila are transformed into a land from a time gone by. A huge celebration of all things medieval, the bustling heart of Ibiza´s capital becomes a melting pot of people, animals, food and drink, plus the chance to witness the types of crafts, entertainment and traditions of this time.

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The Top Celebrity Hangouts in Ibiza
Beaches, Clubbing in Ibiza, Dining, General Ibiza Tourist Information, Things to do
The Top Celebrity Hangouts in Ibiza

March 14, 2022

The magic of Ibiza has always attracted celebrities, since the sixties when Elizabeth Taylor and Ursula Andress graced the beaches, and Terry Thomas, Denholm Elliot and Leslie Phillips held infamous parties in the hills of Santa Eulalia.

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Weather in Ibiza
General Ibiza Tourist Information
Weather in Ibiza

March 14, 2022

Ibiza is an incredible destination all year round, offering a dazzling variety of delights each month. While the winter days remain beautiful and sunny, many clubs, restaurants and bars close their doors therefore the best time to visit Ibiza is between May and October, the typical Ibiza tourist season.

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Tennis in Ibiza
General Ibiza Tourist Information, Health, Things to do
Tennis in Ibiza

March 14, 2022

Sometimes whilst on holiday it is great to engage in some gentle exercise, and if you fancy yourself as the next Rafael Nadal or Serena Williams, then never fear, Ibiza has a number of great tennis facilities to choose from.

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Driving to Ibiza from the UK
General Ibiza Tourist Information, Things to do, Travel News
Driving to Ibiza from the UK

March 14, 2022

Whether you want to extend your holiday with stopovers in France or Spain, or want to get to Ibiza as quickly as possible, driving to Ibiza from the UK can be a wonderful experience.

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EcoTax -Tutte le informazioni che devi sapere!
General Ibiza Tourist Information
EcoTax -Tutte le informazioni che devi sapere!

January 07, 2022

Introdotta il 1° luglio 2016, i turisti che viaggiano a Ibiza, Maiorca o Minorca saranno ora soggetti a una tassa di soggiorno. Si tratta di una tassa addebitata per persona, per notte e sarà applicata a tutti i visitatori, indipendentemente dal fatto che la loro vacanza sia stata prenotata prima dell'annuncio.

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Affitti a breve termine e flessibili.
General Ibiza Tourist Information, Travel News
Affitti a breve termine e flessibili.

January 07, 2022

Mentre siamo impegnati a preparare un'altra estate sublime, qui a Ibiza Summer Villas, siamo lieti di essere in grado di offrire ai nostri clienti nuovi ed esistenti due nuove opzioni eccezionali per questa estate. Si tratta di soggiorni più brevi e affitti più flessibili, ideali per coloro che hanno uno stile di vita impegnato e che possono essere in grado di trascorrere solo pochi giorni su questa magica isola, ma preferiscono il comfort e la privacy di una villa di lusso a Ibiza alla vita in albergo.

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Le meraviglie che camminano
Attractions, Beaches, General Ibiza Tourist Information, Things to do, Winter in Ibiza
Le meraviglie che camminano

January 07, 2022

Una cosa buona che è venuta fuori da questo periodo folle che tutti stiamo vivendo in questo momento, è l'atteggiamento di tutti verso la salute mentale. La comunità di Ibiza si concentra molto sulla salute mentale e sul prendersi del tempo per se stessi, quest'anno più che mai.

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Ibiza autentica
Attractions, General Ibiza Tourist Information
Ibiza autentica

January 07, 2022

Lontano dalle discoteche affollate e dalla scena delle feste si può scoprire un lato diverso di Ibiza. L'isola ha un ricco patrimonio e una cultura che risale ai tempi antichi.

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Consigli per la sicurezza durante le vacanze a Ibiza
General Ibiza Tourist Information
Consigli per la sicurezza durante le vacanze a Ibiza

January 07, 2022

Ibiza ha un tasso di criminalità relativamente basso ed è generalmente un luogo sicuro. Tuttavia, ci sono delle misure che puoi prendere per assicurarti che la tua vacanza sia il più possibile senza problemi.

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Ibiza Città Vecchia: una breve storia
General Ibiza Tourist Information, Things to do, Winter in Ibiza
Ibiza Città Vecchia: una breve storia

January 07, 2022

Fate una passeggiata per la città di Ibiza oggi, e la troverete vivace e fiorente, cosmopolita ed eccentrica, piena di storia e scoppiettante di colore ed energia.

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Ibiza Oude Stad: een korte geschiedenis
General Ibiza Tourist Information, Things to do, Winter in Ibiza
Ibiza Oude Stad: een korte geschiedenis

January 05, 2022

Als u vandaag door Ibiza-stad wandelt, zult u merken dat het bruist en bloeit, kosmopolitisch en eigenzinnig, vol geschiedenis en bruisend van kleur en energie.

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Veiligheidstips voor een vakantie op Ibiza
General Ibiza Tourist Information
Veiligheidstips voor een vakantie op Ibiza

January 05, 2022

Ibiza heeft een relatief laag misdaadcijfer, en is over het algemeen een veilige plaats. Er zijn echter stappen die u kunt ondernemen om ervoor te zorgen dat uw vakantie zo probleemloos mogelijk verloopt.

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Authentiek Ibiza
Attractions, General Ibiza Tourist Information
Authentiek Ibiza

January 05, 2022

Ver weg van de drukke nachtclubs en de party scene kunt u een andere kant van Ibiza ontdekken. Het eiland heeft een rijk erfgoed en cultuur die teruggaat tot de oudheid.

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De Wandelende Wonderen
Attractions, Beaches, General Ibiza Tourist Information, Things to do, Winter in Ibiza
De Wandelende Wonderen

January 05, 2022

Eén goed ding dat voortkomt uit deze gekke periode die we op dit moment allemaal meemaken, is ieders houding ten opzichte van geestelijke gezondheid. De Ibiza-gemeenschap besteedt veel aandacht aan mentale gezondheid en concentreert zich op het nemen van tijd voor zichzelf, dit jaar meer dan ooit tevoren.

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Korte termijn en flexibele verhuur.
General Ibiza Tourist Information, Travel News
Korte termijn en flexibele verhuur.

January 05, 2022

Terwijl we druk bezig zijn met de voorbereidingen voor alweer een sublieme zomer, zijn we hier bij Ibiza Summer Villas verheugd om onze nieuwe en bestaande klanten deze zomer twee uitzonderlijke nieuwe opties aan te kunnen bieden. Dit zijn huuraccommodaties voor een korter verblijf en meer flexibel, ideaal voor diegenen met een drukke levensstijl die misschien maar een paar dagen op dit magische eiland kunnen doorbrengen, maar toch het comfort en de privacy van een luxe Ibiza-villa verkiezen boven het hotelleven.

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EcoTax - Alle informatie die u moet weten!
General Ibiza Tourist Information
EcoTax - Alle informatie die u moet weten!

January 05, 2022

Ingevoerd op 1 juli 2016, zullen toeristen die naar Ibiza, Mallorca of Menorca reizen, nu een toeristenbelasting moeten betalen. Dit is een heffing die wordt aangerekend per persoon, per nacht en zal van toepassing zijn op alle bezoekers, ongeacht of hun vakantie werd geboekt vóór de aankondiging.

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EcoTasa -¡Toda la información que necesita saber!
General Ibiza Tourist Information
EcoTasa -¡Toda la información que necesita saber!

January 05, 2022

Introducido el 1 de julio de 2016, los turistas que viajen a Ibiza, Mallorca o Menorca tendrán que pagar una tasa turística. Se trata de una tasa que se cobra por persona y noche y que se aplicará a todos los visitantes, independientemente de que sus vacaciones se hayan reservado antes del anuncio.

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Alquileres de estancia corta y flexibles.
General Ibiza Tourist Information, Travel News
Alquileres de estancia corta y flexibles.

January 05, 2022

Mientras nos preparamos para otro verano sublime, aquí en Ibiza Summer Villas, estamos encantados de poder ofrecer a nuestros clientes nuevos y existentes dos nuevas opciones excepcionales este verano. Se trata de alquileres de corta estancia y más flexibles, ideales para aquellos con un estilo de vida ajetreado que sólo pueden pasar unos días en esta isla mágica, pero que prefieren la comodidad y la privacidad de una villa de lujo en Ibiza a la vida en un hotel.

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Los Maravillosos Caminantes
Attractions, Beaches, General Ibiza Tourist Information, Things to do, Winter in Ibiza
Los Maravillosos Caminantes

January 05, 2022

Una cosa buena que ha salido de este período de locura que todos estamos viviendo en este momento, es la actitud de todos hacia la salud mental. La comunidad de Ibiza se centra mucho en la salud mental y se concentra en tomarse tiempo para sí misma, este año más que nunca.

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La Auténtica Ibiza
Attractions, General Ibiza Tourist Information
La Auténtica Ibiza

January 05, 2022

Lejos de las bulliciosas discotecas y de la escena de la fiesta, podrá descubrir un lado diferente de Ibiza. La isla tiene un rico patrimonio y una cultura que se remonta a la antigüedad.

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Consejos de seguridad para las vacaciones en Ibiza
General Ibiza Tourist Information
Consejos de seguridad para las vacaciones en Ibiza

January 05, 2022

Ibiza tiene un índice de criminalidad relativamente bajo y, en general, es un lugar seguro. Sin embargo, hay medidas que puedes tomar para asegurarte de que tus vacaciones sean lo más tranquilas posible.

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El casco antiguo de Ibiza: una breve historia
General Ibiza Tourist Information, Things to do, Winter in Ibiza
El casco antiguo de Ibiza: una breve historia

January 05, 2022

Pasee hoy por la ciudad de Ibiza y la encontrará bulliciosa y próspera, cosmopolita y extravagante, llena de historia y llena de color y energía.

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Sicherheitstipps für den Urlaub auf Ibiza
General Ibiza Tourist Information
Sicherheitstipps für den Urlaub auf Ibiza

January 04, 2022

Ibiza hat eine relativ niedrige Kriminalitätsrate und ist im Allgemeinen ein sicherer Ort. Dennoch gibt es Maßnahmen, die Sie ergreifen können, um Ihren Urlaub so problemlos wie möglich zu gestalten.

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Authentisches Ibiza
Attractions, General Ibiza Tourist Information
Authentisches Ibiza

January 04, 2022

Fernab der belebten Nachtclubs und der Partyszene können Sie Ibiza von einer anderen Seite kennenlernen. Die Insel hat ein reiches Erbe und eine Kultur, die bis in die Antike zurückreicht.

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Die Wanderwunderer
Attractions, Beaches, General Ibiza Tourist Information, Things to do, Winter in Ibiza
Die Wanderwunderer

January 04, 2022

Eine gute Sache, die aus dieser verrückten Zeit, die wir alle gerade erleben, hervorgeht, ist die Einstellung aller zur psychischen Gesundheit. Die Ibiza-Gemeinschaft konzentriert sich sehr auf die psychische Gesundheit und nimmt sich in diesem Jahr mehr denn je Zeit für sich selbst.

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Kurzfristige und flexible Vermietungen.
General Ibiza Tourist Information, Travel News
Kurzfristige und flexible Vermietungen.

January 04, 2022

Während wir uns auf einen weiteren großartigen Sommer vorbereiten, freuen wir uns hier bei Ibiza Summer Villas, unseren neuen und bestehenden Kunden in diesem Sommer zwei außergewöhnliche neue Optionen anbieten zu können. Es handelt sich dabei um kürzere Aufenthalte und flexiblere Vermietungen, ideal für diejenigen, die nur ein paar Tage auf dieser magischen Insel verbringen können, aber den Komfort und die Privatsphäre einer Luxusvilla auf Ibiza dem Hotelleben vorziehen.

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EcoTax - Alle Informationen, die Sie wissen müssen!
General Ibiza Tourist Information
EcoTax - Alle Informationen, die Sie wissen müssen!

January 04, 2022

Seit dem 1. Juli 2016 wird von Touristen, die nach Ibiza, Mallorca oder Menorca reisen, eine Tourismusabgabe erhoben. Diese Abgabe wird pro Person und Nacht erhoben und gilt für alle Besucher, unabhängig davon, ob ihr Urlaub vor der Ankündigung gebucht wurde.

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Die Altstadt von Ibiza: Eine kurze Geschichte
General Ibiza Tourist Information, Things to do, Towns and villages
Die Altstadt von Ibiza: Eine kurze Geschichte

January 04, 2022

Wenn Sie heute durch Ibiza-Stadt spazieren, werden Sie feststellen, dass die Stadt geschäftig und lebendig ist, kosmopolitisch und schrullig, voller Geschichte und knisternd vor Farbe und Energie.

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Ibiza Old Town: A Brief History
General Ibiza Tourist Information, Things to do, Winter in Ibiza
Ibiza Old Town: A Brief History

December 21, 2021

Take a walk around Ibiza town today, and you will find it bustling and thriving, cosmopolitan and quirky, full of history and crackling with colour and energy.

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Safety Tips when Holidaying in Ibiza
General Ibiza Tourist Information
Safety Tips when Holidaying in Ibiza

December 21, 2021

Ibiza has a relatively low crime rate, and is generally a safe place. However, there are steps you can take to ensure that your holiday is as hassle free as possible.

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Authentic Ibiza
Attractions, General Ibiza Tourist Information
Authentic Ibiza

December 21, 2021

Far away from the busy nightclubs and party scene you can discover a different side to Ibiza. The island has a rich heritage and culture dating back to ancient times.

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The Walking Wonderers
Attractions, Beaches, General Ibiza Tourist Information, Things to do, Winter in Ibiza
The Walking Wonderers

December 20, 2021

One good thing to come out of this crazy period we are all experiencing at this time, is everyone’s attitude to mental health. The Ibiza community focus a lot on mental health and concentrate on taking time out for themselves, this year more than ever before.

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EcoTax -All the information you need to know!
General Ibiza Tourist Information
EcoTax -All the information you need to know!

December 20, 2021

Visitors to Ibiza, Mallorca, or Menorca are subject to a tourism tax, implemented in July 2016. This levy applies per person, per night, and is mandatory for all traveler's, regardless of when the holiday was booked.

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We have a rating of 4.9 from 1070 reviews

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Evie Reilly

Staying at the villa was absolutely lovely! The atmosphere was beautiful, and the views were breathtaking. The spacious rooms were beautifully decorated, making it feel like a home away from home. We enjoyed lounging by the pool and the outdoor space was perfect for relaxing evenings and game night with the family (games was also provided in the villa). It was a clean, secure, and comfortable place… our family will recommend this Villa to anyone, special mention to Maria she was absolutely amazing and really helpful… as we struggled with ordering taxis if we messaged her, she always responded fast and helped in the best way possible. Overall,…

2 weeks ago

Nicole Eagles

Stayed in Villa Mali for 5 nights in June and couldn’t have been happier. Such a beautiful villa, in a perfectly quiet location but walking distance from some cute restaurants and the supermarkets so we didn’t need a car. Getting a taxi was easy via the app and was an easy 20-25 minute drive from San Antonio. The facilities in the villa were fab, there was everything we needed to have a comfortable and relaxing stay. I loved the outside area with pool and dining/cooking space. This is the second time we have used Ibiza Summer Villas, their service is excellent and they really take care of you. I’m sure we will be back in one of their accommod…

4 months ago

Manuel Zwerger

Our group recently stayed at this villa in Ibiza and had a very enjoyable experience. The location is ideal for a group of young people, offering privacy and a peaceful atmosphere with no direct neighbors. The garden is spacious and well-maintained, providing plenty of room for outdoor activities. We appreciated the quiet surroundings, which allowed us to relax and enjoy our time at the villa. Vicky, the host, was accommodating and made sure we had what we needed for a pleasant stay. Her helpfulness added to the overall positive experience. We had a great time at this villa and would recommend it to anyone looking for a quiet and spacious …

4 months ago

Sarah Disley

Our group of 14 recently spent a week at this incredible villa in Ibiza, and it was perfect for our needs. The villa was spotless and well-maintained, exceeding our expectations in every way. The spacious and comfortable setup made it easy for everyone to enjoy their stay without feeling crowded. The pool area was a standout feature, providing a fantastic spot to relax and soak up the sun for all of us. One small suggestion would be to remind people to pay extra for pool towels like we did. The villa's location was excellent, with reliable taxi services given to us by Ibiza summer villas that made getting around the island effortless thank yo…

3 months ago

Elles Poppegaai

We had such a lovely time in Villa Mali with our group of friends. Everything we needed was there. Well maintained garden and pool area. Loved the luxury of an indoor and outdoor kitchen. Good beds. Supermarket within walking distance and located in the lovely area of the nice little village of San jordi. Service from ibiza summer villa very suberb. Clear and quick responding with a very hands-on conciërge service. Would definately book a villa again (or stay again in villa Mali even!!)

4 months ago

Guy Wallace

Incredible stay at Ibiza summer villas in July. We stayed in Villa Blanca and it is perfect for 10 people (5 couples). 6th bedroom is adjoining another so not as good. Our villa was in great condition. All rooms were spacious and the kitchen was in pristine condition with all utensils. Pool was awesome and there’s a good drinks area too

a month ago

Kate Tuffrey

We stayed at Can Senyora and it was a really beautiful villa in a lovely remote quiet area. We stayed for 4 nights and have enjoyed every second. Great communication from the agency, who were always on hand if we needed anything. The view from the villa and the pool were the highlights for me.

5 months ago

Michelle Yao

A large group of us stayed at Villa Ariel and had the best week! A massive pool, lots of bedrooms/bathrooms and the perfect location in San Antonio. We cannot wait to stay again next year, thank you Ibiza Summer Villas ❤️

4 months ago