

Museums in Ibiza
Attractions, Things to do, Winter in Ibiza
Museums in Ibiza

November 09, 2022

Guide to Ibiza´s Museums and Galleries

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When black cats prowl and pumpkins gleam, may luck be yours on Halloween
Attractions, Clubbing in Ibiza, Things to do
When black cats prowl and pumpkins gleam, may luck be yours on Halloween

October 21, 2022

It’s that time of the year again....The long-awaited Ibiza summer of 2022 is drawing to a close. This season has been, without a doubt one for the books on the White Isle and will surely go down in history as one of the craziest seasons of all time.

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5 Sunset spots you won't want to miss.
Attractions, Beaches, Things to do
5 Sunset spots you won't want to miss.

July 05, 2022

Ibiza is one of the most popular places in the world to explore the wild and wonderful nature, visit crystal clear waters and view the sun setting over the Mediterranean Sea.

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Short term and Flexible Rentals
Short term and Flexible Rentals

May 19, 2022

As we are busy preparing for yet another sublime summer ahead, here at Ibiza Summer Villas, we are delighted to be able to offer our new and existing clients two exceptional new options this summer.

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All you need is LOVE…
Attractions, Dining, Winter in Ibiza
All you need is LOVE…

May 19, 2022

The long stretch of January is nearly over and we can look forward to something else other than pay day!

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Beach dining in Ibiza
Attractions, Beaches, Dining, Things to do
Beach dining in Ibiza

May 19, 2022

Ibiza has always been a destination that has attracted an array of clientele. From package holiday tourists, the travellers, the workers and the vast number of expats, they all have one thing in common that they all want to escape to their holiday island for the balmy months of summer.

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528 Ibiza
Attractions, Dining, Things to do
528 Ibiza

May 19, 2022

528 Ibiza offers a high end gastronomic evening with theatrical dining. Located in the old zoo in the hills of Benimussa, this exquisite venue has been transformed into a five star experience.

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Medieval Festival Ibiza
Attractions, General Ibiza Tourist Information, Things to do
Medieval Festival Ibiza

March 18, 2022

Each May, the cobbled streets beneath the ancient walls of Dalt Vila are transformed into a land from a time gone by. A huge celebration of all things medieval, the bustling heart of Ibiza´s capital becomes a melting pot of people, animals, food and drink, plus the chance to witness the types of crafts, entertainment and traditions of this time.

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Best Fancy Dress Parties Ibiza 2015
Attractions, Clubbing in Ibiza, Things to do
Best Fancy Dress Parties Ibiza 2015

March 14, 2022

Everyone loves dressing up – it’s a great excuse to have a little fun and let your imagination run wild. And where better to do so than Ibiza? There are lots of opportunities to embrace your inner child and transform your appearance on the White Isle.

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Pranzo sulla spiaggia a Ibiza
Attractions, Beaches, Dining, Things to do
Pranzo sulla spiaggia a Ibiza

January 07, 2022

Ibiza è sempre stata una destinazione che ha attratto una vasta gamma di clienti. Dai turisti dei pacchetti vacanze, i viaggiatori, i lavoratori e il vasto numero di ex-patrioti, tutti hanno una cosa in comune: tutti vogliono fuggire nella loro isola di vacanza per i mesi miti dell'estate.

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Qualcosa di diverso a Ibiza... La fattoria degli alpaca
Attractions, Things to do, Winter in Ibiza
Qualcosa di diverso a Ibiza... La fattoria degli alpaca

January 07, 2022

Avevamo sentito così tante persone dirigersi verso la Fattoria degli Alpaca nel nord di Ibiza che abbiamo deciso di andare lì e vedere di persona. La prenotazione è semplice ma essenziale; un veloce whatsapp al proprietario ci ha spiegato tutto ciò che dovevamo sapere, compresa la posizione.

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Atlantis magica
Attractions, Beaches, Things to do, Winter in Ibiza
Atlantis magica

January 07, 2022

L'Isola Bianca è piena di luoghi magici, miti e leggende e Atlantis, una baia segreta di Ibiza, non fa eccezione. Situata ai piedi delle scogliere di fronte alla magica e mitica Es Vedra vicino a Cala d'Hort, le formazioni rocciose qui sono davvero uniche ed eccezionali.

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528 Ibiza
Attractions, Clubbing in Ibiza, Dining, Things to do
528 Ibiza

January 07, 2022

Con le nuove restrizioni in vigore che riguardano gran parte della vita notturna di Ibiza, un nuovo concetto è arrivato sull'isola di Ibiza e non potremmo essere più entusiasti.

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10 motivi per cui amiamo Ibiza
Attractions, Beaches, Health, Things to do
10 motivi per cui amiamo Ibiza

January 07, 2022

Non si può negare che l'isola di Ibiza abbia un'attrazione magica per tutti coloro che la visitano e vi si stabiliscono. Quando si chiede alle persone perché sono venute a visitare l'isola in primo luogo, la loro risposta è normalmente sulla linea di voler sfuggire alla monotonia a casa e fare qualcosa fuori dal comune. Entrate... Ibiza!

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Le meraviglie che camminano
Attractions, Beaches, General Ibiza Tourist Information, Things to do, Winter in Ibiza
Le meraviglie che camminano

January 07, 2022

Una cosa buona che è venuta fuori da questo periodo folle che tutti stiamo vivendo in questo momento, è l'atteggiamento di tutti verso la salute mentale. La comunità di Ibiza si concentra molto sulla salute mentale e sul prendersi del tempo per se stessi, quest'anno più che mai.

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Ibiza autentica
Attractions, General Ibiza Tourist Information
Ibiza autentica

January 07, 2022

Lontano dalle discoteche affollate e dalla scena delle feste si può scoprire un lato diverso di Ibiza. L'isola ha un ricco patrimonio e una cultura che risale ai tempi antichi.

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Attractions, Clubbing in Ibiza, Ibiza Fashion, Things to do

January 07, 2022

Un'introduzione al leggendario Pacha Nightclub di Ibiza

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Feste in barca a Ibiza
Attractions, Beaches, Clubbing in Ibiza, Things to do
Feste in barca a Ibiza

January 07, 2022

L'enorme popolarità ha fatto sì che sempre più feste in barca lascino le coste di Ibiza ogni estate, e ogni vacanza dovrebbe prevedere un'esperienza di festa in barca.

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Top 10 Attrazioni nel Nord di Ibiza
Attractions, Beaches, Things to do, Towns and villages
Top 10 Attrazioni nel Nord di Ibiza

January 07, 2022

Il nord di Ibiza ha un ritmo di vita molto più rilassato rispetto alle affollate località di San Antonio e Playa d'en Bossa nel sud e nell'ovest. Qui, la vita si muove a un ritmo più costante, godendosi i bellissimi paesaggi e le foreste che l'isola ha da offrire. Tuttavia, c'è molto da scoprire ed esplorare nel nord.

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Cose per bambini da fare in vacanza a Ibiza
Attractions, Things to do
Cose per bambini da fare in vacanza a Ibiza

January 07, 2022

Ibiza è famosa per la sua vita notturna edonistica - e ha una reputazione ben meritata di capitale mondiale delle feste. Tuttavia, lontano dai superclub e dalle feste sulla spiaggia si trova un lato molto diverso di questa bellissima isola.

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Ibiza's Hippy Markten
Attractions, Shopping in Ibiza, Things to do
Ibiza's Hippy Markten

January 05, 2022

Sinds het begin van de jaren zeventig is Ibiza even beroemd om zijn hippiemarkten als om zijn uitgaansgelegenheden. Een bezoek is een must voor wie de unieke sfeer wil proeven en zich wil onderdompelen in de diepgewortelde cultuur van het eiland.

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Dingen voor kinderen om te doen op vakantie in Ibiza
Attractions, Things to do
Dingen voor kinderen om te doen op vakantie in Ibiza

January 05, 2022

Ibiza is beroemd om zijn hedonistische nachtleven - en heeft een welverdiende reputatie als de feesthoofdstad van de wereld. Maar ver weg van de superclubs en strandfeesten ligt een heel andere kant van dit prachtige eiland.

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Top 10 Attracties in het Noorden van Ibiza
Attractions, Beaches, Things to do, Towns and villages
Top 10 Attracties in het Noorden van Ibiza

January 05, 2022

Het noorden van Ibiza heeft een veel relaxter levenstempo dan de drukke badplaatsen San Antonio en Playa d'en Bossa in het zuiden en westen. Hier gaat het leven in een rustiger tempo, genietend van het prachtige landschap en de bossen die het eiland te bieden heeft. Toch valt er in het noorden ook genoeg te ontdekken en te verkennen.

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Ibiza Boot Feesten
Attractions, Beaches, Clubbing in Ibiza, Things to do
Ibiza Boot Feesten

January 05, 2022

Enorme populariteit heeft ertoe geleid dat elke zomer meer en meer bootfeesten de kusten van Ibiza verlaten, en elke vakantie zou een ervaring met bootfeesten moeten inhouden.

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Attractions, Clubbing in Ibiza, Ibiza Fashion, Things to do

January 05, 2022

Een introductie tot Ibiza's legendarische Pacha Nachtclub.

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Authentiek Ibiza
Attractions, General Ibiza Tourist Information
Authentiek Ibiza

January 05, 2022

Ver weg van de drukke nachtclubs en de party scene kunt u een andere kant van Ibiza ontdekken. Het eiland heeft een rijk erfgoed en cultuur die teruggaat tot de oudheid.

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De Wandelende Wonderen
Attractions, Beaches, General Ibiza Tourist Information, Things to do, Winter in Ibiza
De Wandelende Wonderen

January 05, 2022

Eén goed ding dat voortkomt uit deze gekke periode die we op dit moment allemaal meemaken, is ieders houding ten opzichte van geestelijke gezondheid. De Ibiza-gemeenschap besteedt veel aandacht aan mentale gezondheid en concentreert zich op het nemen van tijd voor zichzelf, dit jaar meer dan ooit tevoren.

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10 redenen waarom we van Ibiza houden
Attractions, Beaches, Health, Things to do
10 redenen waarom we van Ibiza houden

January 05, 2022

Het valt niet te ontkennen dat het eiland Ibiza een magische aantrekkingskracht heeft op iedereen die het eiland bezoekt en er zich vestigt. Als je mensen vraagt waarom ze naar het eiland zijn gekomen, is hun antwoord meestal dat ze de eentonigheid van thuis willen ontvluchten en iets buitengewoons willen doen. Kom binnen... Ibiza!

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528 Ibiza
Attractions, Clubbing in Ibiza, Dining, Things to do
528 Ibiza

January 05, 2022

Nu er nieuwe beperkingen gelden voor een groot deel van het nachtleven van Ibiza, is er een nieuw concept op het eiland Ibiza en we kunnen er niet enthousiaster over zijn.

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Magisch Atlantis
Attractions, Beaches, Things to do, Winter in Ibiza
Magisch Atlantis

January 05, 2022

Het Witte Eiland is vol magische plaatsen, mythen & legenden en Atlantis een geheime baai in Ibiza is geen uitzondering. Gelegen aan de voet van de kliffen tegenover het magische en mythische Es Vedra dicht bij Cala d'Hort zijn de rotsformaties hier werkelijk uniek en uitzonderlijk.

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Iets anders in Ibiza... De Alpaca Farm
Attractions, Things to do, Winter in Ibiza
Iets anders in Ibiza... De Alpaca Farm

January 05, 2022

We hadden zoveel mensen gehoord die naar de Alpaca boerderij in het noorden van Ibiza gingen, dat we besloten erheen te gaan en het zelf te zien. Reserveren is eenvoudig maar essentieel; een snel whatsappje naar de eigenaar op voorhand vertelde ons alles wat we moesten weten, inclusief de locatie.

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Restaurantes de playa en Ibiza
Attractions, Beaches, Dining, Things to do
Restaurantes de playa en Ibiza

January 05, 2022

Ibiza siempre ha sido un destino que ha atraído a una gran variedad de clientela. Desde los turistas de paquetes vacacionales, los viajeros, los trabajadores y el gran número de expatriados, todos tienen una cosa en común: quieren escaparse a su isla de vacaciones durante los templados meses de verano.

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Algo diferente en Ibiza... La granja de alpacas
Attractions, Things to do, Winter in Ibiza
Algo diferente en Ibiza... La granja de alpacas

January 05, 2022

Habíamos oído hablar de tanta gente que se dirigía a la granja de alpacas del norte de Ibiza que decidimos dirigirnos allí y verlo por nosotros mismos. Reservar es sencillo pero esencial; un rápido whatsapp al propietario de antemano nos indicó todo lo que necesitábamos saber, incluida la ubicación.

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Eten aan het strand op Ibiza
Attractions, Beaches, Dining, Things to do
Eten aan het strand op Ibiza

January 05, 2022

Ibiza is altijd een bestemming geweest die een grote verscheidenheid aan klanten heeft aangetrokken. Van de toeristen met pakketreizen, de reizigers, de arbeiders en het grote aantal ex-pats, ze hebben allemaal één ding gemeen: ze willen allemaal ontsnappen naar hun vakantie-eiland voor de zwoele maanden van de zomer.

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Attractions, Beaches, Things to do, Winter in Ibiza

January 05, 2022

La Isla Blanca está llena de lugares mágicos, mitos y leyendas y Atlantis, una cala secreta en Ibiza, no es una excepción. Situada al pie de los acantilados frente a la mágica y mítica Es Vedra, cerca de Cala d'Hort, las formaciones rocosas de este lugar son realmente únicas y excepcionales.

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528 Ibiza
Attractions, Clubbing in Ibiza, Dining, Things to do
528 Ibiza

January 05, 2022

Con las nuevas restricciones que afectan a gran parte de la vida nocturna de Ibiza, un nuevo concepto ha llegado a la isla de Ibiza y no podríamos estar más entusiasmados con él.

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10 razones por las que amamos Ibiza
Attractions, Beaches, Health, Things to do
10 razones por las que amamos Ibiza

January 05, 2022

No se puede negar que la isla de Ibiza tiene una atracción mágica para todos los que la visitan y se instalan aquí. Cuando se le pregunta a la gente por qué vino a visitar la isla en primer lugar, su respuesta suele ser el deseo de escapar de la monotonía de su país y hacer algo fuera de lo común. Y aquí entra... ¡Ibiza!

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Los Maravillosos Caminantes
Attractions, Beaches, General Ibiza Tourist Information, Things to do, Winter in Ibiza
Los Maravillosos Caminantes

January 05, 2022

Una cosa buena que ha salido de este período de locura que todos estamos viviendo en este momento, es la actitud de todos hacia la salud mental. La comunidad de Ibiza se centra mucho en la salud mental y se concentra en tomarse tiempo para sí misma, este año más que nunca.

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La Auténtica Ibiza
Attractions, General Ibiza Tourist Information
La Auténtica Ibiza

January 05, 2022

Lejos de las bulliciosas discotecas y de la escena de la fiesta, podrá descubrir un lado diferente de Ibiza. La isla tiene un rico patrimonio y una cultura que se remonta a la antigüedad.

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Attractions, Clubbing in Ibiza, Ibiza Fashion, Things to do

January 05, 2022

Una introducción a la legendaria discoteca Pacha de Ibiza

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Fiestas en barco en Ibiza
Attractions, Beaches, Clubbing in Ibiza, Things to do
Fiestas en barco en Ibiza

January 05, 2022

La enorme popularidad ha hecho que cada vez más fiestas en barco salgan de las costas de Ibiza cada verano, y todas las vacaciones deberían incluir una experiencia de fiesta en barco.

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Las 10 mejores atracciones del norte de Ibiza
Attractions, Beaches, Things to do, Towns and villages
Las 10 mejores atracciones del norte de Ibiza

January 05, 2022

El norte de Ibiza tiene un ritmo de vida mucho más relajado que los concurridos centros turísticos de San Antonio y Playa d'en Bossa, en el sur y el oeste. Aquí, la vida transcurre a un ritmo más tranquilo, disfrutando de los hermosos paisajes y bosques que ofrece la isla. Sin embargo, hay mucho que descubrir y explorar en el norte.

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Actividades que pueden hacer los niños en sus vacaciones en Ibiza
Attractions, Things to do
Actividades que pueden hacer los niños en sus vacaciones en Ibiza

January 05, 2022

Ibiza es famosa por su hedonista vida nocturna, y tiene una merecida reputación como capital mundial de la fiesta. Sin embargo, lejos de los superclubs y las fiestas en la playa, esta hermosa isla tiene una cara muy diferente.

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Freizeitaktivitäten für Kinder im Urlaub auf Ibiza
Attractions, Things to do
Freizeitaktivitäten für Kinder im Urlaub auf Ibiza

January 04, 2022

Ibiza ist berühmt für sein hedonistisches Nachtleben - und hat einen wohlverdienten Ruf als die Partyhauptstadt der Welt. Doch abseits der Superclubs und Strandpartys zeigt sich diese wunderschöne Insel von einer ganz anderen Seite.

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Top 10 Attraktionen im Norden Ibizas
Attractions, Beaches, Things to do, Towns and villages
Top 10 Attraktionen im Norden Ibizas

January 04, 2022

Im Norden Ibizas geht es viel entspannter zu als in den geschäftigen Ferienorten San Antonio und Playa d'en Bossa im Süden und Westen. Hier verläuft das Leben in einem ruhigeren Rhythmus, und man kann die wunderschöne Landschaft und die Wälder der Insel genießen. Aber auch im Norden gibt es viel zu entdecken und zu erforschen.

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Ibiza Boot Partys
Attractions, Beaches, Clubbing in Ibiza, Things to do
Ibiza Boot Partys

January 04, 2022

Die enorme Popularität hat dazu geführt, dass jeden Sommer mehr und mehr Bootspartys die Küsten Ibizas verlassen, und zu jedem Urlaub sollte eine Bootsparty gehören.

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Attractions, Clubbing in Ibiza, Ibiza Fashion, Things to do

January 04, 2022

Eine Einführung in Ibizas legendären Nachtclub Pacha.

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Authentisches Ibiza
Attractions, General Ibiza Tourist Information
Authentisches Ibiza

January 04, 2022

Fernab der belebten Nachtclubs und der Partyszene können Sie Ibiza von einer anderen Seite kennenlernen. Die Insel hat ein reiches Erbe und eine Kultur, die bis in die Antike zurückreicht.

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Die Wanderwunderer
Attractions, Beaches, General Ibiza Tourist Information, Things to do, Winter in Ibiza
Die Wanderwunderer

January 04, 2022

Eine gute Sache, die aus dieser verrückten Zeit, die wir alle gerade erleben, hervorgeht, ist die Einstellung aller zur psychischen Gesundheit. Die Ibiza-Gemeinschaft konzentriert sich sehr auf die psychische Gesundheit und nimmt sich in diesem Jahr mehr denn je Zeit für sich selbst.

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10 Gründe, warum wir Ibiza lieben
Attractions, Beaches, Health, Things to do
10 Gründe, warum wir Ibiza lieben

January 04, 2022

Es lässt sich nicht leugnen, dass die Insel Ibiza eine magische Anziehungskraft auf alle ausübt, die sie besuchen und sich hier niederlassen. Wenn man die Leute fragt, warum sie überhaupt auf die Insel gekommen sind, lautet die Antwort in der Regel, dass sie der Eintönigkeit zu Hause entfliehen und etwas Außergewöhnliches unternehmen wollten. Auftritt... Ibiza!

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528 Ibiza
Attractions, Clubbing in Ibiza, Dining, Things to do
528 Ibiza

January 04, 2022

Mit den neuen Beschränkungen, die das Nachtleben auf Ibiza betreffen, ist ein neues Konzept auf der Insel Ibiza angekommen, von dem wir begeistert sein könnten.

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Das magische Atlantis
Attractions, Beaches, Things to do, Winter in Ibiza
Das magische Atlantis

January 04, 2022

Die Weiße Insel ist voll von magischen Orten, Mythen und Legenden, und Atlantis, eine geheime Bucht auf Ibiza, ist keine Ausnahme. Am Fuße der Klippen gegenüber dem magischen und mythischen Es Vedra in der Nähe von Cala d'Hort gelegen, sind die Felsformationen hier wirklich einzigartig und außergewöhnlich.

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Etwas anderes auf Ibiza... Die Alpaka-Farm
Attractions, Things to do, Winter in Ibiza
Etwas anderes auf Ibiza... Die Alpaka-Farm

January 04, 2022

Wir hatten gehört, dass so viele Leute zur Alpaka-Farm im Norden Ibizas fahren, dass wir beschlossen, dorthin zu fahren und sie selbst zu besuchen. Die Buchung ist unkompliziert, aber unerlässlich. Eine kurze Whatsapp an den Besitzer im Vorfeld verriet uns alles, was wir wissen mussten, einschließlich des Standorts.

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Things for Kids to do on Holiday in Ibiza
Attractions, Things to do
Things for Kids to do on Holiday in Ibiza

December 21, 2021

Ibiza is famed for its hedonistic nightlife scene – and has a well deserved reputation as the party capital of the world. However, away from the superclubs and beach parties lies a very different side to this beautiful island.

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Top 10 Attractions in the North of Ibiza | Ibiza Summer Villas
Attractions, Beaches, Things to do, Towns and villages
Top 10 Attractions in the North of Ibiza | Ibiza Summer Villas

December 21, 2021

The North of Ibiza has a much more relaxed pace of life than the busy resorts of San Antonio and Playa d’en Bossa in the south and west. Here, life moves at a steadier pace, taking in the beautiful scenery and forests the island has to offer. However, there is plenty to discover and explore in the North.

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Ibiza Boat Parties
Attractions, Beaches, Clubbing in Ibiza, Things to do
Ibiza Boat Parties

December 21, 2021

Enormous popularity has led to more and more boat parties leaving Ibiza’s shores every summer, and every holiday should involve a boat party experience.

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Attractions, Clubbing in Ibiza, Ibiza Fashion, Things to do

December 21, 2021

An Introduction to Ibiza’s Legendary Pacha Nightclub

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Authentic Ibiza
Attractions, General Ibiza Tourist Information
Authentic Ibiza

December 21, 2021

Far away from the busy nightclubs and party scene you can discover a different side to Ibiza. The island has a rich heritage and culture dating back to ancient times.

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The Walking Wonderers
Attractions, Beaches, General Ibiza Tourist Information, Things to do, Winter in Ibiza
The Walking Wonderers

December 20, 2021

One good thing to come out of this crazy period we are all experiencing at this time, is everyone’s attitude to mental health. The Ibiza community focus a lot on mental health and concentrate on taking time out for themselves, this year more than ever before.

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10 Reasons why we love Ibiza
Attractions, Beaches, Health, Things to do
10 Reasons why we love Ibiza

December 20, 2021

There is no denying that the island of Ibiza has a magic pull to all that visit and settle down here. When you ask people why they came to visit the island in the first place, their response is normally along the lines of wanting to escape the monotony back home and do something out of the ordinary. Enter…Ibiza!

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Magical Atlantis
Attractions, Beaches, Things to do, Winter in Ibiza
Magical Atlantis

December 20, 2021

The White Isle is full of magical places, myths & legends and Atlantis a secret cove in Ibiza is no exception. Situated at the foot of the cliffs opposite the magical and mythical Es Vedra close to Cala d’Hort the rock formations here are truly unique and exceptional.

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Something different in Ibiza: The Alpaca Farm
Attractions, Things to do, Winter in Ibiza
Something different in Ibiza: The Alpaca Farm

December 20, 2021

We had heard so many people heading to the Alpaca Farm in the north of Ibiza that we decided to head over there and see it for ourselves. Booking is straightforward but essential; a quick whatsapp to the owner beforehand outlined all that we needed to know including the location.

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Essen am Strand auf Ibiza
Attractions, Beaches, Dining, Things to do
Essen am Strand auf Ibiza

December 20, 2021

Ibiza war schon immer ein Reiseziel, das eine Reihe von Kunden angezogen hat. Von den Pauschaltouristen, den Reisenden, den Arbeitern und den zahlreichen Expats haben sie alle eines gemeinsam, dass sie für die lauen Sommermonate alle auf ihre Urlaubsinsel entfliehen möchten.

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Movies by Starlight – Outdoor Cinema in Ibiza
Attractions, Things to do
Movies by Starlight – Outdoor Cinema in Ibiza

September 05, 2020

When you think of Ibiza, the first thing which may spring to mind is relaxing in a luxurious private villa, soaking up the sun on one of the many beautiful beaches, or dancing the night away in one of the world famous superclubs. However, in recent years, a new and wonderful way to enjoy some of the islands most beautiful venues has been introduced.

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We have a rating of 4.9 from 1070 reviews

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Evie Reilly

Staying at the villa was absolutely lovely! The atmosphere was beautiful, and the views were breathtaking. The spacious rooms were beautifully decorated, making it feel like a home away from home. We enjoyed lounging by the pool and the outdoor space was perfect for relaxing evenings and game night with the family (games was also provided in the villa). It was a clean, secure, and comfortable place… our family will recommend this Villa to anyone, special mention to Maria she was absolutely amazing and really helpful… as we struggled with ordering taxis if we messaged her, she always responded fast and helped in the best way possible. Overall,…

2 weeks ago

Nicole Eagles

Stayed in Villa Mali for 5 nights in June and couldn’t have been happier. Such a beautiful villa, in a perfectly quiet location but walking distance from some cute restaurants and the supermarkets so we didn’t need a car. Getting a taxi was easy via the app and was an easy 20-25 minute drive from San Antonio. The facilities in the villa were fab, there was everything we needed to have a comfortable and relaxing stay. I loved the outside area with pool and dining/cooking space. This is the second time we have used Ibiza Summer Villas, their service is excellent and they really take care of you. I’m sure we will be back in one of their accommod…

4 months ago

Manuel Zwerger

Our group recently stayed at this villa in Ibiza and had a very enjoyable experience. The location is ideal for a group of young people, offering privacy and a peaceful atmosphere with no direct neighbors. The garden is spacious and well-maintained, providing plenty of room for outdoor activities. We appreciated the quiet surroundings, which allowed us to relax and enjoy our time at the villa. Vicky, the host, was accommodating and made sure we had what we needed for a pleasant stay. Her helpfulness added to the overall positive experience. We had a great time at this villa and would recommend it to anyone looking for a quiet and spacious …

4 months ago

Sarah Disley

Our group of 14 recently spent a week at this incredible villa in Ibiza, and it was perfect for our needs. The villa was spotless and well-maintained, exceeding our expectations in every way. The spacious and comfortable setup made it easy for everyone to enjoy their stay without feeling crowded. The pool area was a standout feature, providing a fantastic spot to relax and soak up the sun for all of us. One small suggestion would be to remind people to pay extra for pool towels like we did. The villa's location was excellent, with reliable taxi services given to us by Ibiza summer villas that made getting around the island effortless thank yo…

3 months ago

Elles Poppegaai

We had such a lovely time in Villa Mali with our group of friends. Everything we needed was there. Well maintained garden and pool area. Loved the luxury of an indoor and outdoor kitchen. Good beds. Supermarket within walking distance and located in the lovely area of the nice little village of San jordi. Service from ibiza summer villa very suberb. Clear and quick responding with a very hands-on conciërge service. Would definately book a villa again (or stay again in villa Mali even!!)

4 months ago

Guy Wallace

Incredible stay at Ibiza summer villas in July. We stayed in Villa Blanca and it is perfect for 10 people (5 couples). 6th bedroom is adjoining another so not as good. Our villa was in great condition. All rooms were spacious and the kitchen was in pristine condition with all utensils. Pool was awesome and there’s a good drinks area too

a month ago

Kate Tuffrey

We stayed at Can Senyora and it was a really beautiful villa in a lovely remote quiet area. We stayed for 4 nights and have enjoyed every second. Great communication from the agency, who were always on hand if we needed anything. The view from the villa and the pool were the highlights for me.

5 months ago

Michelle Yao

A large group of us stayed at Villa Ariel and had the best week! A massive pool, lots of bedrooms/bathrooms and the perfect location in San Antonio. We cannot wait to stay again next year, thank you Ibiza Summer Villas ❤️

4 months ago